Friday, February 24, 2006

My beautiful mom is a very happy grandma! This is Brett (on the right) and Aidan. They are my older brother Jesse and his wife Melissa's two sons.

I finally have a picture of my newest nephew on my site and now it's an old one, about three months ago. He's about five months old in this pic. His name is Aidan Quin and he is a very smiley baby. I like him alot.

Friday, February 10, 2006

This was the best trip ever!!!!! Stephenie and I went to the Bahamas to volunteer at a kids camp for two weeks. I will never forget the great time we had. The Islands beckon... Posted by Picasa

Cherea and me. Posted by Picasa

Here's me with my oldest friend, Tina Zehrung. We go waaaaay back to like '88 She has always been there and I do believe she alway will be. What a good friend. Posted by Picasa

My great friend Stephenie Luce (Yes, I'm name dropping) and I go camping every year and just as I was about to turn around...uh huh, you guessed it...the paparazzi. Wouldn't you know it, Steph and I just can't get away from them. Well, that's the price you pay for fame. Security is a little lacking at Poneer park, I'm not sure if we're going to go back there this year or not. Posted by Picasa

My friend Colleen and I decided to try ragrollin' our hair, we had some good laughs. When I took the rags out of my hair the next day it looked like a frizz bomb. I think we rolled them too tight. It's experiences like these that make us trully grateful for technology like rollers and curling irons. I couldn't imagine having to do this all the time. But it was a lot of fun trying it. Posted by Picasa
Here I am at work. I work eight grueling hours a day, five long days every week, fifty weeks a year. This is not a smile on my face but rather a look of sheer agony. Please help me, somebody, anybody!! All I need is a million dollars. Come on people...